Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Insiden di Awal 2007: The Truth

Sebenarnya insiden ini terjadi sudah hampir setahun yang lalu tapi beberapa teman masih terkadang menanyakan apa yang terjadi sebenarnya. Ada yang bilang bahwa penulis terlalu over reacting. Namun, tindakan yang penulis lakukan dulu dengan jalan meminta HRD menggelar meeting, adalah semata2 tindakan natural dan reflek seseorang sebagai seorang suami dan a man. Tidak ada tendensi negatif sama sekali, hanya untuk meng-clear-kan atmosfer antara penulis dengan pelaku. Meeting sebenarnya sudah dilakukan dan hasilnya bagus secara formalitas, artinya pelaku bilang tidak ada maksud apa2, hanya 'joke' (joke yang kebangetan menurut penulis) dan kitapun saling bermaaf2an waktu itu. Tapi memang formal dan informal terkadang tidak sejalan. Bagi penulis, apa yang terjadi (solusi) di meeting, ya sudah sampai di situ. Tidak usah ada cerita bersambungnya. Tidak perlu cold war. Peace. Berikut ini ini petikan report yang penulis forward ke HRD.

Dated : January 3rd 2007
Location : Recreation Room
Time : approximately 7 p.m
Done by : NS
Victim :Made Suardana
Witness : WK

Dear HRD,
I really don't want to cause any trouble but I would like to report to you an incident I deem as harassment. The incident took place on January 3rd in the staff recreation room between NS and myself.

I have detailed the dialogue that took place us in a conversational report as follows :

I was entering the recreation room and NS was playing pool alone:
NS : (shouting at the top of his voice) Made come on play pool with me..(Very unfriendly tone of voice)
Me : Oh Sorry, I can't play pool. (then I went right
away to the internet desk)
NS : Agghh, come on.. let use your wife as a bet, if you lose then give me your wife

The Balinese version of the red sentence is "Baang cang kurenan ci yen ci kalah", the word baang used in that context means to be f*cked. At the time of the incident and given the unfriendly tone of his voice, this is the manner in which the words have been interpreted. I have also a witness to this incident.
Then he laughed SARCASTICALLY at me with some friends of him such BK and also WHK looking on. 5 MINUTES LATER....(while I was still at the internet desk ).

NS : if you win you can take my wife.... (TAUNTING ME)

I did not give any reply/reaction to his WORDS. My wife is a human, not something that can be used for a bet. It embarrassed me.

FYI, we don't know each other well and rarely chat, what he SAID (the red sentence) and the way he said IT is really OUT OF ORDER and really not appropriate. Even, a close friend will not do such things.

I was so UPSET and wanted to say something back but I know that is not a right thing to do. I want to follow the rules. So I consulted KG, his supervisor, on what I should do. He suggested that I ignore him. (which I did not want to)

Objective of the Report

I would like to ask you for your assistance in arranging a meeting. Myself, NS and a mediator, to know exactly what his intentions were . What does he mean by doing such inappropriate action to me? and in so doing I would like to clear the air so my wife and I will be able to live and work in harmony with all my colleagues and friends at PC. I feel I can not walk around and wonder when he is going to pass nasty remarks to me or my wife again.

If anything at all, NS should be made aware of his actions and apology be made to me.
I believe there is a harassment policy in PC

Sincerely yours
Made Suardana


Anonymous said...

Wahhhh kurang ajar sekaleee....Meskipun maksdnya becanda pun, nga bole kayak gituh...... KAlau aku pasti udah tak hajar tuch Bli. Terus sekarang gimana ???

Review for Dummies said...

yah gitu deh,bahwa sebuah joke itu ga berlaku universal bagi setiap orang, interpretasinya akan beda bagi masing2 individu. Jani? no comment dah :)