Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Birth Of BBC in Bali

Cafe Desa Dusun that located in Jalan Noja Ayung Denpasar seemed to be an eternal witness of the birth of bloggers community in Bali, which is officially called Bali Blogger Community or BBC. The meeting was held on Sunday 11 November 2007 and attended by 32 bloggers in Bali. It was a great moment to meet those bloggers offline although I was, personally, little bit nervous during the meeting, as I have met none of them before. Besides, most of them are geek and expert in blogging world such as web designers, IT support, journalists and the like, while I am totally new and just started creating a blog two amonths ago. The good news is they are all funny and cool. I met a well-known cartoonist in Bali/Indonesia, Mr. Ebo, the editor of Bog-Bog Magazine.

Generally, the meeting has resulted in some points they are
1.Official name is Bali Blogger Community or BBC
2.Official greeting among the members is Semeton B(e)log
3.Official domain is www.baliblogger.org
4.BBC chairman is Mr. Anton Muhajir, IT/web design team member are Mr. Ebo, Saylow, Dental, and Yanuar
Besides, the meeting has also resulted in some long terms agenda of the BBC such as conducting informal education program in school and also establishing cooperation with Telecommunication Company.

Here is the list of the attendees of BBC meeting at Café Desa Dusun (taken from mailing list)

1. Anton -rumahtulisan.wordpress.com
2. Cock Wirawan - blogdokter.net
3. Ebo - pocastella.org
4. Kadek Suardana –butek.co.nr
6. Yos Kebe -
7. Anthok -- blogg3r.com
8. Didi -- indonesianculinary.com
9. Natalie - luthienessa.multiply.com
10. Viar - x-phoneshop.com
11. Irfan Affandi
karetgelang.blogspot.com - satulawansatu.blogspot.com
12. Yudiar - pacool.blogspot.com
13. Ojie Ismail -
14. Dental - 15june.com
15. Luh De Suriyani -
16. Dian Aryanti -
17. Dewi -
18. Prima - anima.dudut.com
19. Kecek - purwateja.com
20. Wira - wirautama.net
21. Ivan - ivan.faderlan.com
22. Danny -
23. Sukandia (Lolak) -
24. Suarjana -
25. Andy -
26. Purnama Yasa -
27. Adi Setiawan - ex3me.org
28. Wasti - wastioke.multiply.com
29. Didik -
30. Yanuar - yanuarkutakutik.or.id
31. Sakti Soediro -
32. Bani
33. Saylow - saylows.com


Anonymous said...

wah, fitnah neh. tidak ada ketua2an di BBC. dibuatnya cair aja kok. biar ga jd kayak PKK. masa aku dibilang chairman. hehehe.

pamit, bli..

Anonymous said...

ok deh pak ketua :)

Adi Setiawan said...

tapi "kepala geng" kayaknya tetep bos anton :D